Posts Tagged Nebraska
Foundation Stabilization Companies Attend Accounting Training
Nearly 20 owners, managers, and accounting personnel from throughout the Foundation Supportworks dealer network participated in accounting training in Omaha, Nebraska on June 6th and 7th. The training covered many different topics during the two day event, including how to effectively analyze financial statements, measure key performance indicators such as inventory turns and days in accounts receivable, employ successful inventory control methods, implement processes for receiving and stocking products and materials properly, and apply strategies for collecting money due.
In addition to classroom discussions, those in attendance observed a presentation by the Vice President of American National Bank, who spoke on the importance of having a strong relationship with your local bank. The presentation focused on banking issues that are relevant to foundation repair companies, including revolving lines of credit and regulatory requirements.
The training incorporated many hands-on activities to provide real-world applications for the attendees, as well as a panel discussion where participants had the opportunity to “ask the experts” questions related to the accounting side of their business.
Foundation Stabilization Companies Attend Management Training
Nearly 30 owners and managers from across the Foundation Supportworks dealer network participated in Management Training in Omaha, Nebraska during the week of February 20th. The three day training covered a variety of topics and challenges that business owners and their management teams face on a daily basis within their foundation repair companies. Among the topics attendees discussed included: Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different leadership styles, The hiring process and how to effectively recruit and retain top talent, Orienting new hires, Methods and practices to fairly evaluate employee performance, Effective ways to manage varying performance levels, Understanding how to recognize and reward employees, and much more.
Along with the traditional format of classroom lecture, participants also held many small group discussions, observed demonstrations, and used a variety of hands-on activities to solidify the concepts and apply them to real-world examples. This highly interactive training event created opportunities for in-depth discussion on employee problems and opportunities, role playing on how to address common employee situations, and brainstorming on ideas and best practices that could be shared throughout the Foundation Supportworks dealer network.
Foundation Repair Contractors Attend Sales Training in Omaha, NE
During the week of January 16th, more than 45 foundation repair specialists from across the United States and Canada attended training at Foundation Supportworks in Omaha, Nebraska. Throughout the week, attendees were trained in all areas of the sales process related to Foundation Supportworks line of stabilization systems. In addition to classroom training, the attendees also benefited from the opportunity to network with other foundation repair contractors throughout North America.
The three-day sales training covered topics such as product features and benefits, interviewing the customer to learn about their wants and needs, proper diagnosing and inspection of foundation related issues, and presenting solutions to the customer. Sales training attendees were also encouraged to bring their laptops to receive hands-on training on the exclusive Foundation Supportworks sales presentation and proposal generating software program. The software allows the sales professionals to effectively communicate and educate a homeowner on the unique features and benefits of each of Foundation Supportworks products.
Foundation Repair Companies Attend Accounting Training
Nearly 30 owners, managers, and accounting personnel from throughout the Foundation Supportworks dealer network participated in accounting training in Omaha, Nebraska on December 6th and 7th. The training covered many different topics during the two day event, including how to effectively analyze financial statements, measure key performance indicators such as inventory turns and days in accounts receivable, employ successful inventory control methods, implement processes for receiving and stocking products and materials properly, and apply strategies for collecting money due.
In addition to classroom discussions, those in attendance observed a presentation by the Vice President of American National Bank, who spoke on the importance of having a strong relationship with your local banking institute. The presentation focused on banking issues that are relevant to foundation stabilization companies, including revolving lines of credit and regulatory requirements.
The training included many hands-on activities to provide real-world applications for the attendees, as well as a panel discussion where participants had the opportunity to “ask the experts” questions related to the accounting side of their business.
Over 25 Attend Management Training at Foundation Supportworks
More than twenty-five owners and managers from fourteen Foundation Supportworks dealer offices attended Management Training in Omaha, NE last week. Attendees discussed topics such as leading vs. managing, recruiting talented individuals, hiring tough, orienting new hires, retaining top talent, handling employees with attitude and/or performance problems, writing effective performance appraisals, rewarding and recognizing effectively and much more. Rather than traditional learning techniques such as lecture, participants also held many small group discussions, observed demonstrations and used a variety of hands-on activities to solidify the concepts and apply them to real-world examples. This highly interactive training event created opportunities for in-depth discussion on real-world employee problems and opportunities, role playing on how to address common employee situations, and group brainstorming on ideas and best practices that could be shared throughout the Foundation Supportworks dealer network.
More than 70 Attend Sales & Installation Training
Foundation Supportworks dealers are ready to hit the ground running this fall after attending sales and installation training in Omaha, Nebraska this month. More than 70 owners, sales managers, production managers, sales representatives and foremen from coast to coast attended training to learn the latest sales and installation techniques.
The four-day installation training included hands-on training at four different sites, where the attendees received first-hand experience installing push piers, helical piers, Geo-Lock™ wall anchors, and PowerBraces™.
The three-day sales training covered topics such as product features and benefits, interviewing the customer to learn about their wants and needs, proper diagnosing and inspection and presenting solutions. Sales training attendees were also encouraged to bring their laptops to receive hands-on training on the exclusive Foundation Supportworks sales presentation and proposal generating software program.
Foundation Supportworks Hosts Networking Event for Sales Managers
Sales managers from throughout the Foundation Supportworks network attended a networking event July 7-8 in Omaha, Nebraska. Nearly 20 dealer offices were represented, and the event included round table discussions, large group discussions, team building activities, networking opportunities and social interaction. The sales managers helped set the agenda by determining which issues were most common in their day-to-day activities. Some topics discussed included: hiring new sales reps, training new sales reps, keeping sales people motivated, setting goals, running effective meetings, and more. Some of the feedback from those who attended the event included: “The most valuable part of the event was to share what I know with the group and grow and learn from others on what I don’t know.” “The interaction with other managers was great. All of the ideas were great. A lot of the things I learned here can be easily implemented.” “The most valuable part was the interaction with experienced sales manager who have already walked through the growing pains and stages of implementation that I must now go through as I begin to build my sales team.” “Everyone in attendance has dealt with or is dealing with very similar issues. It makes the conversations and solutions much more pertinent.”
Marketing Training Held at East Coast Dealer Support Facility
More than 20 owners and marketing managers attended the newest training offering from Foundation Supportworks — “Residential Marketing Training.” Residential Marketing Training examines effective marketing strategies for varying sized businesses, from small and start-up businesses to companies that exceed $5 million in sales. The participants evaluated a multitude of creative ways to generate leads at an allowable cost, such as grass-roots, guerrilla marketing techniques to techniques that would not only generate
leads but also build brand awareness in associated markets. The course also provided an opportunity for attendees to set goals, determine annual and monthly marketing budgets, and analyze the results of marketing expenditures to adjust future strategies. Residential Marketing Training was held at the Foundation Supportworks east coast dealer support facility in Seymour, Connecticut to allow for easier access for those dealer offices located on the east coast. The same course will be offered again at the corporate headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska in December of this year.
Foundation Supportworks Hosts Training for More than Sixty-Five
Foundation Supportworks hosted Sales, Installation and New Dealer Training in Omaha, NE during the week of May 10, 2010 and over 65 owners, managers, sales representatives and installers received training about the various foundation solutions offered by Foundation Supportworks. Dealers from West Virginia, Georgia, Colorado, Delaware, Washington, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Connecticut, Florida, Nebraska, Oregon and Ontario were in attendance and provided insight about the foundation problems in their region of the country. The training educated dealers on ways to effectively market, sell and install helical foundation systems, push pier systems, wall stabilization systems, and crawlspace support systems.
Former Owners of Drive Rite Piering Systems Join the Foundation Supportworks Dealer Network
Ben Bayless and Craig Williams, owners of Alabama Foundation Specialists and former owners of Drive Rite Piering Systems, have joined the Foundation Supportworks dealer network along with several other former Drive Rite dealers.
With offices in Birmingham and Huntsville, Alabama Foundation Specialists has been Alabama’s leader in foundation stabilization for over 10 years. Regarding their recent transition, Ben Bayless said, “In addition to owning my own manufacturing company, I’ve worked with and installed products from three other helical pier manufacturers over the years. I thought I’d seen it all until I saw what was going on at Foundation Supportworks. Their products, training, and especially their marketing and sales support are like nothing else in the industry. After personally visiting their facility in Omaha, NE, Craig and I decided that we needed to become an FSI dealer. Our company has experienced steady growth over the past several years, and I’m confident that joining Foundation Supportworks will help us take Alabama Foundation Specialists to new heights.”
Along with the addition of Alabama Foundation Specialists, several other Drive Rite dealers have come on board and helped solidify FSI’s presence in the Southeast. Mike Wegman, Business Development Manager for FSI, said, “The new dealers that have transitioned to Foundation Supportworks have been most impressed with the sophisticated marketing programs that FSI offers. In addition to the products, our new customers are especially excited to hit the streets with more leads and better sales tools than they’ve ever had before”.
These new dealers help to further position Foundation Supportworks as a leader in the foundation stabilization industry as they bring their knowledge, experience and solid reputations to our network.