Posts Tagged NE
Foundation Stabilization Companies Attend Accounting Training in Omaha, NE
Over 25 owners and accounting personnel from across the Foundation Supportworks (FSI) dealer network attended Accounting Training in Omaha, NE on March 19th and 20th. During the two day event, several discussions focused on how to critically read the financial statement and how to decipher areas of a business that are doing well but also areas that may be problematic and need attention. There are many inputs needed to generate the financial statement and these inputs were also covered, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, managing inventory, and payroll.
Banking success is important to any business and knowing what a bank requires is key to a business’s success. FSI brought in a banking expert to discuss the importance of understanding what a local bank expects from a company. Topics discussed included revolving lines of credit, asset and lending values, as well as hot-button banking issues.
The training concluded with a panel discussion where the attendees had the opportunity to “ask the experts” questions related to the accounting side of their business.
Foundation Stabilization Companies Participate in Accounting Training
Over 20 owners and accounting personnel from across the Foundation Supportworks dealer network attended Accounting Training in Omaha, NE on July 11th and 12th. The attendees discussed the importance of critically reading a financial statement in order to make effective business decisions while also determining the potential problem areas within a business. Other topics covered during the event included accounts payable, accounts receivable, managing inventory, and payroll. The training also included a presentation from a banking expert who discussed the importance of understanding what your local bank expects from your company. His discussions focused on revolving lines of credit, asset and lending values, as well as hot-button banking issues. The training concluded with a panel discussion where the attendees had the opportunity to “ask the experts” questions related to the accounting side of their business.
Foundation Repair Contractors Attend Training Event in Omaha, NE
On June 5th and 6th, more than 25 sales managers of foundation repair companies from across the United States and Canada attended Sales Managers Only Training in Omaha, NE. The event allowed these managers to discuss and brainstorm ideas with their colleagues on the most effective ways to motivate, train, and reward their sales teams. Several topics were covered during the training, including: establishing a positive sales culture, effective role playing, how to inspect what you expect from your sales team, hiring successfully, and facilitating effective sales meetings. Those in attendance enjoyed the opportunity to network with other individuals who face similar challenges in the day to day activities their jobs require of them.
Foundation Repair Contractors Participate in Sales Management Training
Over 25 sales managers and business owners from throughout the Foundation Supportworks dealer network attended sales management training on June 13th and 14th in Omaha, Nebraska. The event focused on the unique and difficult challenges the sales manager position faces within a foundation repair company. The two-day meeting allowed the attendees to share experiences and best practices related to leading effective sales teams and maintaining a positive sales culture. The managers helped set the agenda by determining which issues were most common in their day-to-day activities. Some topics discussed included: how to inspect what you expect from your sales team, hiring new employees, keeping sales people motivated, running effective meetings, reviving your sales culture, and more.
Along with the classroom training, those in attendance enjoyed an afternoon of team building and networking out on the golf course. The event gave the attendees a chance to get their competitive juices flowing and enjoy a day of fun in the sun with other managers from across the Foundation Supportworks dealer network.
Foundation Repair Contractors Attend Training Seminar in Omaha, NE
During the week of April 16th, more than 60 foundation repair contractors from throughout the United States and Canada attended training at Foundation Supportworks in Omaha, NE. Throughout the week, attendees were trained in the areas of marketing, sales and installation of Foundation Supportworks products. In addition to classroom and field training, the attendees also benefited from the opportunity to network with other foundation repair companies throughout North America.
The four-day installation training included hands-on training at several different jobsites, where the attendees received firsthand experience installing push piers, helical piers, slab piers, Geo-Lock™ wall anchors, CarbonArmor™ and PowerBraces™. The installation training also included 5 hours of classroom training where the attendees learned about the more technical aspects of the product installation.
The three-day sales training covered topics such as product features and benefits, interviewing the customer to learn about their wants and needs, proper diagnosing and inspection, and presenting solutions to the customer. Sales training attendees were also encouraged to bring their laptops to receive hands-on training on the exclusive Foundation Supportworks sales presentation and proposal generating software program.
Deep Foundation Systems Training Course Takes Place in Omaha, NE
During the week of October 10th, over 20 foundation repair contractors from all over North America attended commercial sales and marketing training at Foundation Supportworks in Omaha, NE. The training focused on various sales and marketing strategies associated with commercial construction as it relates to deep foundation solutions, as well as understanding the commitment and realities of commercial foundation work. A variety of topics were covered during the 3-day training, including helical pile and tieback installation procedures, communicating effectively with engineers and architects, technical knowledge, reading project specifications and plans, and out-serving the competition, among others. Aside from classroom discussions, the participants also spent time in the field
observing a helical pile load test to better understand the correlation between product capacities and soil conditions.
Those in attendance enjoyed the opportunity of networking with other foundation repair companies from across North America, while also sharing best practices on the most effective ways to grow their commercial divisions.
Foundation Repair Contractors Attend Training Seminar in Omaha, NE
During the week of September 19th, more than 50 foundation repair contractors from throughout the United States and Canada attended training at Foundation Supportworks in Omaha, NE. Throughout the week, attendees were trained in the areas of marketing, sales and installation of Foundation Supportworks products. In addition to classroom and field training, the attendees also benefited from the opportunity to network with other foundation repair companies throughout North America.
The four-day installation training included hands-on training at several different jobsites, where the attendees received firsthand experience installing push piers, helical piers, slab piers, Geo-Lock™ wall anchors, and PowerBraces™. The installation training also included 5 hours of classroom training where the attendees learned about the more technical aspects of the product installation.
The three-day sales training covered topics such as product features and benefits, interviewing the customer to learn about their wants and needs, proper diagnosing and inspection, and presenting solutions to the customer. Sales training attendees were also encouraged to bring their laptops to receive hands-on training on the exclusive Foundation Supportworks sales presentation and proposal generating software program.
Foundation Supportworks Sponsors Fundraising Event for the Ollie Webb Center
Foundation Supportworks sponsored the 6th Annual “Ollie’s Dream” Gala on Saturday, June 11, 2011. The “Ollie’s Dream” Gala is an event designed to raise funds to help support the Ollie Webb Center, an organization whose mission is “to enrich the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families through support, programs and advocacy.”
Foundation Supportworks’ President, Greg Thrasher, and his wife Nancy, served as the event chairs and over 100 of their family members, friends and employees from Foundation Supportworks were in attendance. “We are blessed to be able to help support the Ollie Webb Center through this event,” said Greg Thrasher, “and we are thankful so many members of the Foundation Supportworks team were able to join us and provide their support for such a meaningful organization.”
Engineering Seminar in Denver, CO Educates Design Professionals on Helical Foundation Systems
Complete Structural Systems, a division of Complete Basement Systems in Denver, CO, recently hosted a 5-hour engineering seminar for design professionals from across the state. Complete Structural Systems has been providing engineers, architects, general contractors and homeowners with foundation repair and stabilization solutions throughout Colorado for more than a decade. The seminar was held on March 10th, and attracted over 65 engineers looking to increase their understanding of deep foundation solutions, while also earning 5 professional development hours. Foundation Supportworks, a leading manufacturer and distributor of foundation stabilization equipment headquartered in Omaha, NE, was represented by their Director of Engineering, Jeff Kortan, PE. Jeff facilitated the event, which enabled attendees to ask questions and interact throughout the seminar. His presentation allowed the engineers in attendance to expand their knowledge about typical applications, design considerations, capacity calculations, and material selection for Foundation Supportworks helical foundation systems, helical soil nails, and push (resistance) pier systems.
Foundation Repair Contractors Join Together for a Networking Event About Production Management
More than 20 foundation repair contractors from across the United States gathered on March 2-3 in Omaha, NE to attend a networking event for Production Managers. The event included round table discussions, large group discussions, team building activities, networking opportunities and social interaction. Production managers from various foundation repair companies around the country helped set the agenda by determining which issues were most common in their day-to-day activities. Some topics discussed included: hiring new foreman and installers, training new hires, keeping employees motivated, setting goals, running effective meetings, and more. Some of the feedback from those who attended the event included: “The most valuable part of the event was to share what I know with the group and grow and learn from others on what I don’t know.” “The interaction with other managers was great. All of the ideas were great. A lot of the things I learned here can be easily implemented.” “Everyone in attendance has dealt with or is dealing with very similar issues. It makes the conversations and solutions much more pertinent.”