Archive for October, 2013
Deep Foundation Systems Training Course Takes Place in Omaha, Nebraska
On October 9th-11th, over 25 foundation repair contractors from across North America attended commercial sales and marketing training at Foundation Supportworks (FSI) corporate headquarters in Omaha, NE. The training focused on various sales and marketing strategies associated with commercial construction as it relates to deep foundation solutions. During the 3-day training, topics discussed included technical knowledge, effective communication practices with engineers and architects, helical pile and tieback installation procedures, reading project specifications and plans, and out-servicing the competition, among others. Attendees were also trained on two of FSI’s exclusive software programs: HelixPro™ Design Software allows you to calculate bearing and uplift capacities of FSI helical piles as well as tension capacities of FSI helical tiebacks as they pertain to specific site and soil parameters, and VistaBid™,
which is a program used for bidding commercial projects and maintaining a contact database, among other features. Field training included observing a helical pile installation and the comparison of calculating differential pressure versus the use of a digital torque monitoring system.
Those in attendance enjoyed the opportunity of networking with other foundation repair companies from across North America,while also sharing best practices on the most effective ways to grow their commercial divisions.
Foundation Repair Contractors Attend 4-day Installation Training in Omaha, Nebraska
During the week of September 23rd, over 25 foundation repair contractors from across the United States attended Installation Training at Foundation Supportworks (FSI) corporate headquarters in Omaha, NE. During the 4-day training, the attendees spent every morning in the classroom learning the step-by-step installation process for all of FSI’s foundation stabilization products. The classroom time also allowed the participants to network with other dealers in the training, brainstorm ideas, and discuss ways to maximize efficiencies related to the installation part of their businesses. The majority of the installation training was spent on several different jobsites, where the attendees received hands-on training on the proper techniques used to install the FSI product line. The first two days of the field training focused on wall stabilization products, including the Geo-Lock® Wall Anchor System, PowerBraces™, and the CarbonArmor™ System. The last two days on the jobsites included training on push piers, helical piers, slab piers, SmartJacks™, and the PolyLEVEL™ System, which is used to stabilize and lift sinking concrete.
Foundation Supportworks Annual Convention is Attended by Over 1000 Foundation Contractors
Over 1,000 foundation repair contractors from throughout North America attended the Foundation Supportworks® (FSI) annual dealer convention during the week of August 19th. The Foundation Supportworks annual convention is an outstanding opportunity for FSI dealers to network with other foundation repair contractors from across the country, celebrate their achievements, receive ongoing training, and renew their energy and excitement about their business.
In addition to rolling out many new products, marketing tools, sales tools, and production tools, the 3-day event included more than 80 unique training sessions to provide continuing education opportunities and enhance the knowledge and abilities of each Foundation Supportworks dealer. Dealers were also treated to two outstanding speakers during the course of the event. Andrew Davis kicked off the convention with an entertaining speech about his book, “Brandscaping,” which discusses his common sense approach to leveraging partnerships. Aron Ralston was the keynote speaker at the awards dinner and reception. Aron survived a canyoneering accident in Utah in 2003 after being trapped under a bolder for over 5 days. Aron’s amazing story of survival reminded the audience of their own individual resolve to overcome “boulders” in their lives.